Poli Mortgage Blog

The Mental Game - The Road Home Podcast

Written by Poli Mortgage | Dec 30, 2022 7:48:02 PM

Making large financial decisions (like buying a house) can be scary - and Americans HATE TO TALK ABOUT THEIR FINANCES.

In fact, an article from Reuters noted that 44 percent of Americans point to personal finance as the most challenging conversation anyone can have.

Conversations about personal finance ranked scarier than talking about death! 

You dream of buying a new home, seemingly endlessly scrolling through Zillow at an almost dizzying pace, envisioning yourself in almost every house you click on.

You yearn for a new move, but the idea of ACTUALLY trying to buy a house paralyzes you with fear… starting that process means you don’t absolutely control the situation, and even if you KNOW a move will be better for you in the long run, the “pain” of the homebuying process, especially in today’s world, doesn’t seem “worth it.”

So, WHY DOES talking about finances make us uneasy?

According to Daniel Crosby, behavioral finance expert and head of IncBlot Organizational Psychology in Huntsville, Alabama:

“It is such a loaded conversation, and there is so much subtext and hidden meaning wrapped up in money. Money is shorthand for happiness, power, and personal efficacy, so it can be very scary.”

“When money is short, it can be seen as a deficiency on the part of the breadwinner, and when there is lots of money, there can be fears that greed takes the place of genuine love.”

This can lead to two major factors as to why you might hesitate reaching out to a professional to discuss your housing situation.

One is called disclosure anxiety — feelings of discomfort at the idea of sharing personal information with a professional.

Kind of like a Schrödinger's cat, by not starting the process to buy a home, you can feel as if you ARE ok with your living situation, solely because nobody has told you that you AREN’T.

As long as you don’t lift the proverbial cover to confirm one way or the other, you get to live in that paradox. While you might not be sure if you can improve the lifestyle you want, you also can’t confirm that you CAN’T live that desired lifestyle, and that’s enough to get you through another day of uncertainty.

The other is evaluation anxiety — expectations of being negatively judged by a professional.

Whether it be for past financial mistakes, real estate laws and processes you didn’t know you that you don't know, or simply not thinking your credit score is where it should be, you might be too scared to talk to some one in real estate out of the fear of being judged.

If you’re doing this with a partner or other family members, you're anxieties may become even more prevalent. 

Bidding wars. open houses. Declined offers. unresponsive agents....

A home that you love selling way over asking price…

Buying a home can be equal parts exhilaration AND disappointment. 

Before you do your first Zillow search, or even think about calling up a realtor, let's pour the foundation for a solid mindset that will serve you well, throughout the home buying process. 

Most people skip this mental prep work (or do it by accident), but altering your approach and getting pre-approved mentally will make you more resilient. 

“Change happens when the pain of staying the same is greater than the pain of change.” - Tony Robbins
Can you relate?


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